Rearrange the digits in ⟨1263045⟩ to meet the rules below.
⟨6th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1st 0th⟩
min ⊢4⊣ = 3
⟨⋯ Perm(3,5,6) ⋯⟩
2nd → a, 1st → b, a+b=1
3 ∾ 4 ∾ 5 ∾ 6
⟨ ⁵ᵗʰb ⁴ᵗʰa ²ⁿᵈd ¹ˢᵗc ⟩, a > b > c > d
Originating from a math proof, 125034 is a game driven by combinatorics, logic, and probability.